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Juni 29, 2014

Softskill, review produk

          Samsung, is the one of the most famous brand elektronik set in the world. Samsung it self base from South Korean, which is the larger brand in Asian, who can compete with their competitor like Sony, LG and HTC. Not just Sony and HTC, even Samsung now can aligned with his strong competitor that is Apple.

          This main focus I want to tell about is a gadget of SAMSUNG. Why ? because now this gadget is more like the need of lifestyle, and one of the trend in this time. Allright, Samsung is really happening today. Samsung was issue a had many type of their gadget, start from middle until a high specification and price. Ok, let’s we say and take an example with S5. S5 is the latest gadget that Samsung ever done. Which this smartphone was told  the most advance technology of gadget. S5 can detect the heartbeat on their user and have in sensibility on their camera.

           But, although the product from Samsung is really high tech, the material that Samsung put in their product is still used the plastic, whereas their competitor like Apple and Sony was made from a metal and had a water protection. Maybe Samsung though that even their product still using a plastic and not anti water but, with the strong positioning of the brand in their customer, it still gave a more value for them. Not just like that, the service who Samsung delivered to their customer, is the most great service in the world, so on Samsung still have a great place in their customer heart.

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